About Us

Best Personal Trainer in Chula Vista

Welcome to Go Beyond Fitness! We are more than just a personal training facility; we're a community, a philosophy, and a movement.
Our founder, Guamon, brings a wealth of experience from over 7 years of personal training. His love for fitness began in his ...

Certified Personal Training Committed to Your Success

Our specialized services reflect our commitment to individual fitness goals. We excel at evaluating clients' fitness levels and health conditions, building personalized exercise plans, and monitoring progress to ensure effectiveness. Nutrition plays a ...

Empowering Your Health Journey

It's a journey towards a healthier, stronger, and happier life. Our founder, Guamon Vongor,'s passion for fitness started in 2004, leading him to the military and eventually towards establishing Go Beyond Fitness in 2022.
What differentiates us from ...

Certifications & Specializations


  • NASM Certified
  • CPR Certified


  • Evaluating clients fitness levels and health conditions
  • Building individualized exercise plans that match the needs and goals of every client
  • Monitoring clients progress of their fitness levels.
  • Building a Meal-Prep that is tailor towards individual workout goals and needs
  • Promoting a safe exercising environment and demonstrating the safe use of training materials.